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Most new parents get excited at first when their baby starts taking his/her first steps. They also want to take care of their child from head to toe. But once they start dealing with the real issues related to babies, mothers realize that things are not always that simple. Here are some reasons why your baby’s hygiene is important.
Taking Care of Your Baby hygiene helps keep them clean and safe
It is very common for newborns to have a rash on their skin which can affect their breathing. This could be due to something as harmless as an allergy or a bacterial infection. So, make sure your baby is properly cleaned before he goes to sleep. He ?She needs to be washed every day with soap and water until there are no more rashes left on his body. During the night, remember to wash his hands and face. If you don’t do this, you could end up spreading germs that can infect him. You would not like to see your baby in pain because of a bacterial infection.So this is why he /she ‘s personal hygiene should be strictly looked after .
To improve his health
One way to ensure that your baby has healthy skin is by ensuring that he gets enough Vitamin D. The best time for this is during his first 6 months after birth. Even if your doctor does not recommend any supplements, you should still give your baby these vitamins along with calcium. These two nutrients help in keeping the bones strong. In case your child seems too pale, consider giving him vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C helps in boosting the immune system and helps protect against colds and flu. There are many other benefits of having a healthy diet but we will leave those for later. For now, just focus on making sure that your baby takes up all the necessary nutrition he needs for proper growth and development.
To control odours and prevent illness
When your baby is born, he is surrounded by the liquid in his amniotic fluid. As a result, you need to watch out for signs of dehydration such as dry lips, sunken eyes and a weak cry. Make sure your baby drinks plenty of fluids so that he doesn’t become dehydrated. Also, make sure your baby does not go to bed hungry. If you feed him late at night, you may notice that he wakes up unwell. This is because he was deprived of food in the middle of the night. He needs to eat to replenish his energy levels. Also, if he sleeps through the night without eating, you might find yourself waking him up frequently to breastfeed him. And whenever you do wake him up, be prepared for him to feel cranky. If your baby feels stressed, it is better to let him cry it off instead of forcing him to fall asleep.
To teach him hand-washing skills
Once your child can sit upright, he will soon understand how to use a spoon or fork. However, one of the most basic tasks he must master is washing his hands. Babies learn this skill by observing others around them. Therefore, if you want to make sure your baby practices good hand-washing habits, try getting him involved in household activities where he uses utensils and dishes. Try teaching him to bathe himself, or even using bath toys to help him practice.
To keep him safe
Although newborns are tiny, they don’t have much protection between their delicate body parts and the outside world. A lot goes into protecting your baby’s safety. First, get ready to change diapers frequently. Second, make sure you avoid exposing your baby to sudden temperature changes. Third, always seek medical treatment when there is any sign of sickness in your baby. Lastly, avoid giving too many vaccinations to your baby. The more vaccines he receives, the greater chance there is of developing allergies later in life.
To give him a healthy start in life
When you are pregnant, you should look after yourself as well as your growing baby. Eat nutritious foods and take regular exercise. Keep an eye on your weight and blood pressure during pregnancy. Also, make sure that you drink enough water while breastfeeding. There are certain nutrients found only in breast milk which are essential for the growth and development of your baby. These include zinc, vitamin B12 and protein.
The Bottom Line.
Having a baby is a wonderful experience. In addition to being fun and exciting, it comes with a whole host of responsibilities. You need to prepare your home and then provide adequate care and nutrition for your infant. You’ll need to pay attention to the hygiene of both you and your baby so that you can enjoy all the benefits motherhood has to offer.
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